Selasa, 04 April 2017

Teks prosedur bahasa inggris(Recipe)-How to make rendang

Good morning ^^
Kali ini saya akan membagikan teks prosedur cara membuat rendang versi bahasa inggris.Seperti yang kita ketahui,rendang adalah salah satu makanan khas Indonesia tepatnya di daerah Padang,Sumatera Barat yang telah menjadi daftar makanan terenak di dunia,so we should proud of it cause it came from our country :)
I'll explain the recipe~
Before we make rendang,there's few materials that we need,such as

  1. 1 kg of beef selection,cut the size according to taste.
  2. 3 old coconut,make coconut milk.
  3. Red chili,use curly chili.
  4. Ginger.
  5. Galangal crush.
  6. Sour candis.
  7. Lime leaves.
  8. Turmeric leaves.
  9. Onion.
  10. Garlic.
  11. Salt and sugar.                                               Let's make it.

1.first of all,make purely onion,garlic,chili,ginger,and galangal.
2.Start ungkep the beef that had been cut with the spices paste,wait until the steam and air dried meat ungkepan.
3.Put coconut milk,pepper,lemongrass,tamarimd kandis,dullness flowers,lime leaves,salt,and sugar,then mix well,don't forget to put turmeric leaves as well.
4.Wait until the coconut milk to a boil,and slightly remove the oil,then reduce the heat.
5.Combine supplementary material into rendang and stir until evenly.
6.Keep Stir  continuously in order rendang not stick to the griddle,wait until the colour of rendang is change and rendang is dried.
7.Lift it,and rendang ready to be served.

I thinks that's all about my recipe.I hope you can understand it and I also hope you can make rendang in your home :)
Recipe How to make rendang was a topic when I did English practice about text procedure :)

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